
Looking for good quality items at a great price?

You can find unique items at any of our 16 store locations located in the Chattanooga area and don’t forget to shop online at

When you shop at Goodwill, you’re not the only one who gets a great deal. Local Goodwill organizations use the sales from their stores to help change the lives of the people served in your community.

Did you know that 85 % of households in the u.s. and canada are an average of five minutes away from a goodwill
A logo for a website called offers unique items for you to browse through from more than 130 Goodwills across the United States and Canada! ShopGoodwill features hundreds of thousands of unique items up for grabs at any given time, including art, books, vinyl records, clothing, home decor, jewelry, musical instruments, sports, toys, and more. Visit now.

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